Articles on PR for People

On Growing Old: A Homily

In light of the recent high profile suicides committed by Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, Patricia Vaccarino writes a homily On Growing Old.


Spotlight on Patent Lawyer Barry R. Lewin

Barry R. Lewin of Gottlieb, Rackman & Reisman, P.C. is an internationally known and superb patent attorney whose technological expertise and legal skills result in an outstanding work even in the most complex patent matters. 

Never Give Up

From Cape Town, South Africa: Never Give Up

Dereleen James is a fighter, an activist, but first and foremost a mother. This mother wrote a letter to the then State President Jacob Zuma in 2013. It remains a heart wrenching open letter highlighting the harsh realities of a mother living with a child addicted to drugs. It breaks the silence and focuses on the stigma these mothers deal with on a daily basis.


Jerry Seinfeld, Plus Billy Gardell, Comedy VR and More

Jerry Seinfeld Drops In, Wants a Bigger Crowd, Gets One; Plus Billy Gardell, Comedy VR and More

Greg Stone and Anthony Devito, Mike Bochetti and Ian Fidance

Greg Stone and Anthony Devito are Writing for Netflix, Mike Bochetti Records His First Album, and Ian Fidance is a SiriusXM Regular

Digital Strategy and the Law

With this half century of progress in computing and connectivity also comes decades of legal changes. There are those who say, “You can do anything on the Internet!” That, of course, is not true. Online is not the Wild West. It may seem to be a jungle, but it is not lawless.

How To Choose The Right Photo Gear

Choosing the right photographic equipment for your image-making efforts requires some thinking. You need to decide several things...

Trumpty Dumpty

Trumpty Dumpty - If the past is a guide, a look ahead to America after Trump is troubling.

“It Ain’t No California”: Drilling for Oil in Texas

I purchased a piece of land to build a small 427 square foot house in Quanah, Texas after a process of elimination as all other jurisdictions in Texas and North Carolina would not allow for the building of a house this size within city limits or did not have suitable land available. I considered that it’s relatively warm in Texas, yet not too hot in its northern part, and I liked that there are no income taxes in the state. In the summer,...

Before Your Free-Spirited Camping Trip, Check These Rules

People love the free-spirited, spontaneous life of camping -- the let-your-hair-down happiness of chucking real life and heading for the hills. But it takes work to make it happen. To preserve the integrity of your idyllic wanderings, first complete these five tasks that have to do with – horrors! – laws, fees, fuel, phones and Facebook.