With all the great ideas in this Connector about energy in the physical world, let’s not forget there is energy in the soul world, too. Soul energy is one of two components in the life force that powers our souls. The other component is information.
Teen entrepreneurs are growing in number. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor says that the average age of a typical entrepreneur is between 25 and 45, but that more and more people are starting businesses at a younger age. This has given rise to an increase in the number of teen entrepreneurs around the globe.
Living in a vastly developed world means society tends to necessitate efficiency. Achieving efficiency comes at the expense of using incredible amounts of energy to support globalization and its processes. Saving the planet by buying a new Prius for your daily commute? Don’t forget that nickel and copper are mined, refined in factories, and put into the cars in Japan to be sent across the world in enormous cargo ships.
From Colorado: Great Old Broads Are Really Great! GREAT OLD BROADS FOR WILDERNESS is an organization that evolved serendipitously. In 1989 on the 25th anniversary of the Wilderness Act Utah Senator Orrin Hatch claimed that Grand Staircase-Escalante should not be declared a wilderness designation “if for no other reason, we need roads for the aged and infirm.”
Darrell Hammond Takes the Stage, West Side Comedy Club Opens, Plus News From Sherrod Small, Greer Barnes, and Catching Up with The Tonight Show’s Head Monologue Writer
From Cape Town, South Africa: Lufefe Nomjana adores spinach; in fact he loves it so much that he named his company Espinaca (Spanish for Spinach) Innovations. His story speaks of tenacity, adaptability and good old fashioned hard work.