Articles on PR for People

Essentially Yours

Pandemic and Post-Pandemic; Jobs, Offices, Work from Home, Zoom.... 


Digital Destiny: Evolution, Innovation, or Consequence of Experience?

When an item of software or hardware comes to fruition, is it destiny that subsequent offshoots or add-on products emerge? The telephone existed for quite some time, but at some point, along came the answering service. Then came the answering machine. Now there’s voice mail. Was that destiny? Or was that opportunity, being seized by adventurous and creative minds?

Digital Strategy for Startups –Then and Now

The thought-starters on the editorial calendar for this month’s column were “Start-up Nation,” “Self-Starter,” “What does it take to really start a business?; What must be in place legally?;” and “Succeeding Against all Odds.” This gave rise to a variety of thoughts, including the evolution and revolution of start-ups over the past 30 years.  Computing and connectivity have played major roles in this. Digital rethinking and recasting, the once creeping and then supersonic speeding of technology into so many aspects of business and life, has prompted new business ideas, seemingly more each year.


Where there is opportunity, there is art. Art is an expression of the day, of history, of common occurrence and of creative expression.  Computers and Digital capabilities enabled the emergence of Digital Art.

The Digital Job Market

Digital Technology as an integral part of society has created innumerable jobs, departments and new opportunities. HR Departments have had to adjust and evolve as digital realities seeped into business and daily life. The same goes for institutions of all types.

Digital Strategy and the Law

With this half century of progress in computing and connectivity also comes decades of legal changes. There are those who say, “You can do anything on the Internet!” That, of course, is not true. Online is not the Wild West. It may seem to be a jungle, but it is not lawless.

Digital Strategy and the Future of Money

Before we get to cryptocurrency, also known as digital money, let’s look at the evolution of currency and perceived value which may or may not have been clear or apparent as it has occurred right before your eyes.

Digital Strategy Comes of Age

This month’s column is about use of digital tools in emergency situations and then digital strategy as a leadership tool. In this case as a response, taking advantage of the immediacy and ease of rapid deployment of digital devices, instinctively, by a generation described by some as, “born with a phone in their hands.” How these tools, digital devices and online resources enabled communications, coverage, and the creation of a nationwide movement -in a matter of days-- is a testament to the coming of age of Digital Reality.

Digital Strategy and the Maturity of Online Love and Passion

The digital path of how love, passion, dating, even just getting to know each other, follow on a parallel historic line with the advancement, growth and social metamorphosis into a connected, online society.

The Digital View of Making It

“Making it” can take on many meanings. To some it can be as simple as having a job in a field of their choice. To others, rising to the top of the field of their choice would be making it.  Another variation would be attaining a certain position in that field.