Articles on PR for People

How To Take Your Camera Off “AUTO”

When you leave your machine on AUTO, you are letting it make decisions for you.

Thoughts On Making Professional Photographs

I have been doing photography practically all my life. I've studied about exposure, film developing and printing. I've worked with all sorts of photographic equipment from 8x10 view cameras to 35mm point-and-shoot automatic ones

Transcending Time: Jackie Campbell

  Jackie Campbell was a prolific writer. She began her career with the Providence Journal in Rhode Island. When she and her husband moved the family to Denver because of his work in the oil shale business, she began looking to connect with other people who could possibly work with her doing feature writing. She found me!

Your Camera's Shutter

Note: At the risk of sounding too “scientific” I thought this little lesson might help the average photographer understand more about how the camera actually works.

Making Truly Great Images

I'm simply amazed by the number of images I see taken by mobile phones and automatic cameras of one sort or another! But what's missing from many of these images is the thought and consideration necessary to produce truly great photographs.

Another Take On Inspiration

  Just happened to be scrolling through my Facebook feed and came across a suggested post, which is sort of an advertisement for the "iPhone School Of Photography." What was interesting was the fellow in the video was not trying to sell the school, but was actually giving real, usable information for free. I checked this all out and it all worked perfectly. (I always check out EVERYTHING I read on any social media because it is wholly unedited and therefore needs to be vetted carefully for factual information because there is a great deal of dis-information out there).

Another Take On Inspiration

Just happened to be scrolling through my Facebook feed and came across a suggested post, which is sort of an advertisement for the "iPhone School Of Photography." What was interesting was the fellow in the video was not trying to sell the school, but was actually giving real, usable information for free.

Photography As Art

I was thinking the other day about the art of photography. What makes it an art form? Is it just the photographer's vision captured, or does it encompass the whole gamut of the capture process, post-production, retouching, cropping and subsequent output?

Image Sharpness With Digital Lenses

If you are struggling to achieve really sharp images, this article might just help.

Learning To "See" Light

Whats the purpose in learning studio lighting for portraits?