Articles on PR for People

Exposures With Your iPhone & Cameras On “Automatic”

iPhones are very handy tools, right? Well, unless you’ve got some real photographic skills, maybe not so much.

Professional Lighting With An iPhone?

I'm not sure what the future iterations of iPhones will be like, but I am sure that manufacturers will try to make the taking of professional grade images ubiquitous worldwide in the next few years!

Why Photographs Need To Be Printed!

Bill Lulow is our regular columnist who covers photography for "The Connector."  In this article "Try to break the addiction to screens by printing your images!" the adorable baby girl just happens to be his granddaughter!

How To Shoot With A Long Telephoto Lens

Long telephoto lenses serve the purpose of bringing your subject closer and making it appear larger in the frame so that the viewer can see details that would normally be too small to see otherwise.

Long telephoto lenses:

Are usually heavy and require a tripod (some long lenses are actually mounted on the tripod and then the camera is attached to the lens) Compress distances and therefore,...

Making Images With Your iPhone

Nearly everyone has some kind of smartphone these days, and since they all have cameras built in to them, nearly everyone takes pictures these days. You don't need to carry a "real" camera anymore. Just use your phone!

The problem is that nearly everyone simply raises their phone to their eye and snaps away. And most people find that very easy, but there is a whole lot more to making good images than to simply record what's in...

The Real Need For Education These Days or "How To Re-Invent Yourself!"

Many people seem to be angry these days about technology taking their jobs and they sometimes look to politicians to help change things. Well, as someone once said, "You can't stop the growth of technology and you can't stop change." After all, we outgrew the need for lamplighters well over a century ago. And politicians from the coal-producing states had better get used to the notion that coal mining, the way it used to be, is a thing of...

How To Begin Using Your Speedlight Properly!

Whenever there isn’t enough light present to make a picture, the flash on your camera will probably pop up so that you will have enough to make a “proper” exposure. (If you use your camera on AUTO).

Isn’t this great? If there isn’t enough light, light gets added automatically! What could be better?

The problem comes with the kind of light these pop up flashes provide. If your unit is attached...

Commercial/Editorial Portraiture

Commercial photography is the genre within our business that most often means you are photographing someone or something for the purpose of selling the product or person or disseminating information about it/them! As I have often said, if you are shooting for a publication, you need first to know the publication, how it uses images and what types of images it needs. When I go on assignment for any publication, and I know who the subject is...

How To Shoot With A Wide Angle Lens

A “wide angle” lens is one where the elements are put together to bend light rays so that the image created encompasses more of the scene. The angle of view is anywhere from a “fisheye” (almost 180 degrees) to roughly 35-40mm (for a full-frame 35mm camera) where the angle of view is around 65-85 degrees. This type of lens will yield an image that shows most of the scene in front of the camera.

Wide angle lenses do several things...

Tips For Shooting Good Scenics

Here is a short, direct number of tips you can use right now to improve your photographs of places you visit on vacation or just in your travels.

First, you need to decide that you want to make photographs, not just take snap shots and plan your trip accordingly. Be prepared to pull the family car over and concentrate on making a good photograph.

Plan trips with...