Articles on PR for People

Ancient Animal Rights Tale Gets a Human Menagerie

Two Rabbis, a Kentucky Sufi, a Christian editor, a Muslim artist, a Saudi Arabian princess.

Two American Rabbis translated and adapted an ancient Iraqi tale into what is believed to be the first English adaptation---The Animals’ Lawsuit Against Humanity.  Rabbi Dan Bridge and Rabbi Anson Laytner put more action into the story, jazzed up the ending, and personified both the animals and the humans. The book...

Masquerading as Manly

Beware of pasty-white, soft-handed men who masquerade as manly.

Jumping Around: Cheech Marin, Sal Vulcano & Corinne Fisher


David Suarez has a cool show at Sidewalk Cafe on Sunday nights where he doesn’t allow the comics to do any material they’ve ever done before. The night I...

New Joke Night!


Jerrod Carmichael’s HBO Special

I had a big disappointment this week. After I did my article about my unusual experience at the HBO taping of...

A History of Ambition in 50 Hoaxes – Gale Eaton

PR for People® Reviews:

BOOKS: By Barbara Lloyd McMichael

A History of Ambition in 50 Hoaxes – Gale Eaton

Tilbury House – 272 pp - $24.95

 Fake news has certainly been having a hey-day. From the White House to the Kremlin, disinformation, fear-mongering and smear campaigns have left news consumers reeling. For the nation’s new Commander-in-Tweet to call our foremost news organizations “fake media...

When In Doubt, Don’t Go Out.

You and your friends pick out a restaurant you have never been to before and decide on a time. Your waiter hands you a menu with so many items on it, you feel overwhelmed. Wait, where are we in the world? India, China? Where do you start?  You look at your group of friends and think, who picked this place out? Oh, yeah, that’s right, you did.

PR for People® Wants Student Writers!

PR for People® is actively seeking high school students to write Op-Ed articles about topics covering civil rights, civil disobedience and activism. These articles will be published in the April issue of PR for People “The Connector” Magazine and on the PR for People News portal.

Beware of Digital Scammers – of all sorts!

Personal Digital Strategy is a vital aspect of everyday computer/online usage.  Knowing the ropes and not being naïve keeps you safe and secure. Malefactors and criminals of various sorts – CROOKS! – prey on unsuspecting web users.  Here are some scenarios and tips on protective measures you can take, and being aware of the bad guys out there.

Free grant money’ scams—separating fact from fiction

You've probably heard or seen the advertisements and websites. These companies claim to have secrets to obtaining government grants to pay off debt, buy a home, start a business or just about anything else you'd like to do. They advertise on television, in newspapers, on the Internet and they call people on the phone. They sound believable, look legitimate and may even offer a "money-back guarantee," but all they do is prey on people, take their money and leave them empty-handed. Here are a couple ways that scammers lure in victims:

Subarachnoid Hemorrhagic Stroke of Luck

“How I Found the Silver Lining in a Cloud of Stroke”

I’m only 57. I could have believed a forecast of cloudy-and-a-chance-of-stroke a decade into my future. But not THIS year. Not when I’m too young for Medicare. Not with a career peaking and lots of travel planned—FINALLY enjoying life my way.