I've always loved anything with the shimmery, lustrous, rainbow-colored, pearlized quality of iridescence -- whether it's a piece of jewelry, a gorgeous scarf, a butterfly, a seashell, a painted wall, or a soap bubble.
This week I realized that I had worn my favorite pair of iridescent aqua-and-deep-purple, teardrop-shaped, feather-light titanium earrings three days in a row. And I received compliments about those beautiful earrings on every one of the three days.
When I wear a blouse or a dress made of an iridescent fabric, my spirit takes off into the stratosphere on a rocket made of glowing colors. So wait a minute; why isn't my closet overflowing with shimmery items?
Why would I possess even one beige jacket, one black watch plaid skirt, one pair of ordinary black pumps? Interesting question. Perhaps I'm afraid of what would happen if I surrounded myself with only the most magnificent lustrous pearlescence every single day. Maybe that out-of-this-world feeling I get when I'm shimmery should be reserved for special occasions.
And if the essence of iridescence (that rhymes!) slips so deep inside you that it influences your personality,
and you yourself can then be described as iridescent because you are sparkly and bubbly, what a compliment that would be!
To meet Roosevelt with all his buoyant sparkle, his iridescence, was like opening a bottle of champagne. -- British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (1874-1965)
Linda Jay is a writer/editor who is completely in love with words. A publishing professional, she started her career as an advertising copywriter in the Trade Book Department of Little, Brown Publishers in Boston when JFK was president. She’s written profiles and feature stories for national magazine on topics ranging from artists to multimedia enthusiasts to academics and engineers. Nowadays, Linda writes marketing copy, website text, blog posts, and high-tech magazine p.r. In addition, she copyedits book manuscripts in genres ranging from business to vampires and zombies, for authors in the U.S. and in other countries. She also edits and proofreads magazine articles, website email blasts, and print material of all types.