World Views

Oasis changing lives through football.


Oasis Founder Clifford Martinus has a contagious passion for sport and community. This is evident in the work done at Oasis Place with his belief that the connection to a team, fair play and sport can support an individual in overcoming the odds, both personal and social. This South African non-profit creates positive personal development opportunities for youth from marginalised backgrounds.

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Latest Posts in World Views

Look for the light.

Things are looking up. I marvel that, exactly one year and three days after I last taught students in a university classroom, I will receive my first dose of the coronavirus vaccine. Over 90 million people have now received at least one dose, and the full powers of the government have been deployed to broaden and hasten the logistics around delivery. As I write, there are three different vaccines available which have significantly ramped production capacities in the last month or so.

Sarah, You are Golden

The Voyager is carrying a golden record that has recorded the sounds, music and imagery portraying the diversity of our lives on earth.  This record of gold is our way of communicating what it is like to be a human being.The golden record may be the single most important communication generated by our planet. What would you record to send into deep space?

An ode to Hayden Brumbeloe

I never met Hayden Brumbeloe, but I like the cadence of his name.   He grew up in a working-class town not far from Abilene, Texas under a hot dry sun in a land most often noted for the way it was depicted in the classic film The Last Picture Show.    

Is a fascist movement developing here?

After Joe Biden won the presidential election, there has been a proliferation of right-wing Trump rallies. Is this a movement to discredit our democratic institutions?

“Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.” –Virgil

I've been reading more about the sacrifices that Americans made without much hesitation during World War II. Many of those sacrifices can be traced to President Roosevelt’s powerful fireside chats (1933-1944), for which families gathered around a radio to listen.