World Views

Oasis changing lives through football.


Oasis Founder Clifford Martinus has a contagious passion for sport and community. This is evident in the work done at Oasis Place with his belief that the connection to a team, fair play and sport can support an individual in overcoming the odds, both personal and social. This South African non-profit creates positive personal development opportunities for youth from marginalised backgrounds.

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December 2021 Magazine

Happy December! Enjoy the spirit of the season! This month we feature Dance Conservatory Seattle, Nick Licata's interview of Professor Jelani Cobb, Barbara McMichael's Building Back Better Column that explores the U.S. State Department, and the latest essay by Patricia Vaccarino from her collection "Notes From the Working-class."

Jelani Cobb Reflects on the Matter of Black Lives

Nick Licata interviews  Professor Jelani Cobb, a staff writer for the New Yorker, who has authored three groundbreaking books on race in America. The Matter of Black Lives: Writing from The New Yorker, which he co-authored with David Remnick, came out this fall. It collects many of the most thoughtful writers portraying Black life in America over the last century.

The Gratitude Around Her

Leadership is a big buzzword for the Twenty-First Century. You hear about leadership everywhere in books, and in all forms of the media. Consultants peddle “authentic” leadership as if it is a commodity that has been packaged and branded. But there is no second-guessing the real thing. Real leadership doesn’t have to be packaged and branded; you know it when you see it. 

Love 22

I met Love 22 during my senior year at the University of Rhode Island. Love 22 slid unannounced into my life on a blustery day in November. He looked like he had been blown like a tumbleweed across the campus quadrangle. The sun was hidden behind a blank slate of sky. Wind sheared through the tops of plain grey trees that had shed their leaves.


It’s Not Time to Throw in the Towel

My column today is a collection of observations that are based in part on the social isolation we’ve all felt for last 22 months. We always knew pandemics were a possibility, especially after the H1N1 scare in 2009, but our earlier national preparedness had lapsed into a broken stockpile and a rusty supply chain.