Truth in Journalism Will Set You Free

Truth in Journalism Will Set You Free: PR for People® Announces the Matt Kramer Award for Excellence in Journalism


THE NEA MUST STAY – Why Funding the Arts Benefits Everyone!

Comfort Food | A Little Touch of Salt!

Salt! We swim in it, fish in it, boat in it. We scrub our bodies with it to freshen our skin. Yet we spend a lot of energy trying to control this mineral in our bodies.

Jeffrey Gurian, the amazing pundit of the Comedy World!

Comedy Writer, Comic, Producer, Host, and Author, Jeffrey Gurian is now a regular contributor to PR for People. His column that takes a look behind the scenes in the world of comedy will now be a regular feature.

In case you didn’t know, his new book “...


Our nation is in transition and this is stressful. By definition the concept of stress relates to the perception of responsibilities, demands on your everyday life, your resources and your abilities.  It’s not just our immediate environment, which includes things like our job, family, and our community influencing our experience of stress. The passage of time can be stressful, as can the broader system of the culture or demographic area we...

From Denver: The Law

Not far from where I live in a swarm of suburban housing, there is a federal prison. Usually my exposure to this compound is limited; I often take, out of conscience or convenience, Wadsworth Blvd instead, a road not inhabited by the hulking reminder of our broken penal system.

But not long ago I was driving with my 9-year-old nephew to an odd part of town, not North West towards Denver like I usually gravitate ---ebb and flow,...

From Nebraska: Following Park Rules

From Nebraska

Following Park Rules: Ignorance is No Longer an Excuse for Smart Phone Owners

Freedom Spent

When I was in college, a professor suggested that I read Freedom Spent by the legal writer Richard Harris. Freedom Spent was a narrative of three case studies in which Americans lost their civil liberties during legal proceedings that adhered to the letter of the law, or abided by a strict constructionist (narrow) interpretation of the law that disregarded the...