When I was in college, a professor suggested that I read Freedom Spent by the legal writer Richard Harris. Freedom Spent was a narrative of three case studies in which Americans lost their civil liberties during legal proceedings that adhered to the letter of the law, or abided by a strict constructionist (narrow) interpretation of the law that disregarded the gravitas and prevailing spirit of the U.S. Constitution. I lent Freedom Spent to so many friends that eventually I lost track of it and fear it is no longer in my library.
Today, I am more convinced than ever that America has the most amazing people who believe in freedom. As a result, our freedom will never be spent. We will stand up and resist when our civil rights are threatened. And if this is bad, then bad is indeed the new good!
In April, we look at how people of all stripes and colors are standing up for themselves. We the People have this incredible mandate to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Americans speak their minds and never quit, even when the going gets tough, or when darkness sets in and steals light away from truth. –Patricia Vaccarino