Articles on PR for People

Explaining the Puzzle of Winston Churchill

Explaining the Puzzle of Winston Churchill...He was a bundle of contradictions that confounded his peers. Churchill himself may have provided the explanation.

Channeling Churchill

Channeling Churchill...He was a master of the English language, and his rhetorical tricks are still useful in the era of Donald Trump.

What Would Winston Churchill Say to Donald Trump?

What Would Winston Churchill Say to Donald Trump? We know, because he actually said it -- though not, of course, to Trump.  It bears repeating.

A comparison between Churchill and Trump is mortifying.  How could we have elected such an odiferous cesspool of a man? If Churchill’s actions speak louder than his words, his soaring words resonate like the sound of Big Ben. 


Capitalism and Democracy: Can This Marriage Be Saved?

Capitalism and Democracy:  Can This Marriage Be Saved? It’s an odd-couple, with deeply conflicting social values.  Though they have been living together for many centuries, the strains are increasing; their relationship may now be in jeopardy.

The “Green New Deal”

The “Green New Deal”:  A Slogan in Search of a Program; It’s a powerful new idea, but it’s still vague and it lacks a concrete plan. It’s not yet a New Deal.  Here’s a suggestion.

Merry Christmas Tiny Tim!

The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come: The Choice is Up to Us! Tiny Tim is a metaphor for our sickly global environment.  Will We Save Him?

How to Nurture a Democracy

A democratic political system can survive only if it is embedded in a society that allows it to thrive.  Rather like the three essentials for nurturing healthy plants (good soil, adequate water and sunlight), there are at least three nurturing elements that a society must provide, in order for democracy to prosper -- beyond the foundation of a healthy economy.  These elements are (1) the rule of law, (2) elections that are perceived as fair (and where the outcomes are respected), and (3) a political discourse that honors veracity and condemns lying and liars. 

The Shakespeare Industrial Complex

The Shakespeare Industrial Complex and the Miracle of the Virgin Playwright. The conventional Stratford-upon-Avon Shakespeare story requires a cognitive miracle.  So, why are there so many believers?

Trust: Why Does It Matter? How Did We Lose It?

Trust:  Why Does It Matter?  How Did We Lose It? It’s an indispensable lubricant in social life. And truthfulness is its twin sister. 

We All Live in Trump Tower Now!

We All Live in Trump Tower Now! Just look at the view!