Articles on PR for People

Should We Have a “Gross National Happiness” Index?

It seems that happiness is busting out all over – like that famous lyric from the classic Broadway musical, Oklahoma.  True, happiness is not much in evidence in our  economy, or in our shrill and rancorous politics.  But never mind.  An explosion of research and a bumper crop of writings about happiness can be found -- somewhat incongruously -- in various academic journals these days, as well as in the bookstalls.  A dozen titles were counted in a local bookstore recently without breaking a sweat.

D.L. Hughley and Jamie Kennedy plus a Comedy Party

D.L. Hughley and Jamie Kennedy in Town at Gotham and Carolines, Plus a Comedy Party in the Bronx

A Chance Encounter with Doris Lessing

I never thought of happiness as a state of mind that one must accomplish. Happiness seemed to be an unexpected sensation that swept through me fleetingly and made me smile.  I could not predict happiness any more than I could be certain of the weather. Then I had a chance encounter with the author Doris Lessing.

Stakeholder Capitalism: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

 What do BP, Goldman Sachs, Enron, World Com, Bernie Madoff, and a long list of other “malefactors of great wealth” (to borrow a pejorative from President Theodore Roosevelt) all have in common?

The Magical Kaleidoscope

​Have you ever peered through a kaleidoscope, and marveled at the bits of brightly colored glass as they formed one geometrical shape – and then, with a slight turn of your wrist -- wow!  a whole new, unexpected  pattern came into view? Maybe you could see a snowflake design, or a hexagon, or a triangle, or a combination of shapes and angles as the colored bits tumbled about and re-formed?

Ayn Rand Shrugged

It is somewhat amazing that Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged, first published in 1957, is near the top of the current best-seller list.  It has long enjoyed a cult following as a sort of CEO’s bible, inspiring each new generation of libertarian political conservatives.  Now it seems that the gospel according to Ayn is spreading beyond the Tea Party to the parasitical “masses” that she denounces. 

Top Chef Margot Janse

 Top Chef Margot Janse couldn’t turn a blind eye from children who go to school hungry.  Today she helps to feed the local children nearest her and the numbers of children being fed are increasing. Her Charity Isabelo- Feeding Hungry Minds started in 2009, whilst she was at Le Quartier Francais, a Boutique Hotel in Franschhoek. (Food and Wine Heartland outside of Cape Town)


From Cape Town, South Africa: Are you hungry?

Cape Town, Mother City, her vibrancy has a confidence, rightly so. This Lady has it all, Ocean, Table Mountain (incidentally one of the New 7 wonders of Nature), great outdoors and multi- cultural social scene.

You got to eat, right? Here’s looking at it from a different perspective. Both Chef Giles and Chef Guy have agreed to talk food to us. Let’s start with brothers Giles and James Edwards’ La Tete (French for The Head) Restaurant.

The Doctrine of Fairness

The Doctrine of Fairness: Where the Justices Meet Justice...For better and worse, our Supreme Court is a political institution and not, despite its trappings, a temple of Olympian detachment -- as the Roberts court has amply demonstrated.  The justices play a deadly serious intellectual game in which they deploy arcane legal reasoning to justify imposing their sometimes highly partisan rulings on the rest of us. 

What Writers and Artists Don't Know May Hurt Them

From Colorado: Edith Lynn Beer writes about an entertainment lawyer Steve Replin, who is bullish about protecting the rights of creatives ranging from writers to artists.