Articles on PR for People

Donald Trump Versus Charles Van Doren: Our Lies (and Liars) are Not What They Used to Be

Donald Trump Versus Charles Van Doren:Our Lies (and Liars) are Not What They Used to Be. A famous TV quiz show cheat in the 1950s still lives with his life-changing shame. Now, much worse things happen routinely – with no shame.  Shame on Us.

During Times of Great Turbulence

People will do anything to hold onto any force that they believe can stop the clock and make life the way it used to be. This is why Make America Great Again is one of the most impactful tag lines to rock the world. 

Timeless Twaddle

Art is in the eye of the beholder and the passion thereof time and limitless. The same can be said about Brad Twaddle’s immeasurable energy and passion for Dancing and the Arts.

Explaining the Puzzle of Winston Churchill

Explaining the Puzzle of Winston Churchill...He was a bundle of contradictions that confounded his peers. Churchill himself may have provided the explanation.

Channeling Churchill

Channeling Churchill...He was a master of the English language, and his rhetorical tricks are still useful in the era of Donald Trump.

What Would Winston Churchill Say to Donald Trump?

What Would Winston Churchill Say to Donald Trump? We know, because he actually said it -- though not, of course, to Trump.  It bears repeating.

A comparison between Churchill and Trump is mortifying.  How could we have elected such an odiferous cesspool of a man? If Churchill’s actions speak louder than his words, his soaring words resonate like the sound of Big Ben. 


A Woodstock Story

Nick J. Licata remembers Woodstock as those three days in the summer of 1969 when it felt as if youth shared a belief that they could both enjoy and change the world; social justice at home and abroad was important, and doing something about it was possible.

Making Your Mark

In Making Your Mark – Through the Dark, an important question is posed. If P.R., marketing and branding experts have been humbled by the vagaries, snafus and traps of the Dark Web, then why do you think it works for you?

The Wall, The Democrats and The Art of Negotiating

The first rule of successful negotiating is to do so from a position of strength. If you are not in that position, still declare that you are. If you are negotiating in the public arena, the general audience will not really know which side is stronger, if both are claiming to be such.  This is the framework within which President Donald Trump and the Congressional Democratic leaders Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer find themselves in.

Authors' Strategies for Reaching an Audience

Writers publish books in order to reach an audience and to influence it creatively, politically, socially or otherwise.