My first ambition in life was to get out of Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn- which I did!!!
I live on the West Coast now! On the way to leaving Brooklyn, my first job was at "The Clothes Horse" on Kings Highway, selling very fashionable and trendy women's clothing. This was the best job you can get as a 16-year old living in Brooklyn. It meant you were really cool and could sell- because I sold them on myself. I was an energetic, results-producing salesgirl. From that point on I knew I could be successful in the world of sales- which is just about every world -because life is all about selling! Which I later found out was called "enrollment" or standing in another person's world.
My second ambition was to find " peace of mind"- I searched and found that too- no longer am I plagued by anxious feelings in the pit of my stomach and when they come back for fleeting moments, I know how to release them.
So having cleared up life's big issues, I discovered that I had a burning ambition to paint.
Ambition is defined as a strong desire to achieve something, usually requiring hard work. Synonyms are: aspiration, intention, purpose, plan, desire, wish, dream—I can describe myself doing all of those. I am on the journey. If I reach my goal, it will be amazing! If I do not, well there's next time, as in the next lifetime- Ha Ha!
Being ambitious requires focused intention and trusting your inner "nudges" to move in the direction of "the energy" - first you need at least one mentor -sorry, you will have to find your own! These are people who really believe in you. They are the sun behind you.
Next you have to know this will require hard work. Hard work means handling every piece of paper or item that needs attention in that moment. For two years, I had a sign taped up to my bathroom mirror. It said: "Don't be lazy.”
Having your ambition fulfilled requires writing goals- I did not say resolutions. Goals are about what you will become- for instance "I will be a famous artist in my lifetime whose paintings sell for millions of dollars and are shown in major museums".