Articles on PR for People

Interview with Rhonda Collard-Spratt and Jacki Ferro, Aboriginal Memoirists

Rhonda Collard-Spratt is a voice for the mission children of Australia’s Stolen Generations. Rhonda is an engaging performer, an Aboriginal dancer, singer-songwriter, poet, artist, and storyteller. She has worked in women’s prisons around suicide prevention, helping them reconnect with their Aboriginality. Jacki Ferro is a community development worker, writer and editor based in Brisbane. Since the 1990s, Jacki has run cross-cultural, unifying projects that promote self-determination, community education and social justice. As Community Relations Officer at Ipswich in 2000, Jacki instigated the Link Up! Multicultural Festival and the first Sorry Day March. Qualified in public relations, social planning, and writing, editing and publishing, in 2013 Jacki began co-writing and editing memoirs of inspirational, brave people.

From Texas The Food Science Solution for Weight Loss

A year ago, I did a full bloodwork analysis with the help of my university health plan. The hospital billed me $3,641, which was fully covered by insurance. The number from the results that scared me was my glucose level, 105, above the preferred 100 max.

Long Distance Driving

Given the focus on energy for this article, the topic that comes to mind is long-distance endurance driving.

From Texas: Interview with Barbara Garrity-Blake and Karen Willis Amspacher

Barbara Garrity-Blake is a cultural anthropologist, long interested in the 21 villages along the byway from the north end of Hatteras through the Down East region of Carteret County; she lives in Gloucester, N.C.

Karen Willis Amspacher, director of the Core Sound Waterfowl Museum and Heritage Center on Harkers Island, is descended from Shackleford Banks fishermen and boatbuilders and lives in Marshallberg, N.C. She is the editor of the best-selling collection, Island Born & Bred, and the Founder and Editor of The Mailboat periodical.

Canonical and Influential Author-Publishers

The mainstream publishing industry has popularized the stereotype that “self-published” books are inferior to “traditional” ones because the author does not receive an advance and the services provided are less professional. The reality is that the Big Four publishers attained their enormous market share by, at least initially, relying on author subsidies. When advances were paid, they were typically loans that had to be repaid if a book failed to sell a volume of books that would cover the advance.

From Texas: Unsung Heroine of Ivy League Publishing: Jennifer Crewe

A search for unsung heroes turns up council representatives like Reg Shaw, who dealt sternly with “prostitutes and pimps,” and rappers like Vince Staples, who has been featured in pop acts since he was sixteen.

The American Elephant: Women’s Continued Segregation and Underpayment

The bulk of my salaries was swallowed up in the cost of the moves and higher living expenses in the regions around the schools. So, for over eight years now, my real source of income has been publishing. The blame might be with the untenured and otherwise unsecure state of academic employment. But being a woman in academia is especially disabling.

A Case for Pro Se Litigation: Jiffy Lube

An interesting and time consuming rendition of what is involved when an individual brings a lawsuit pro se—without retaining an attorney.

Protester Arrests: 2007-17

Civil disobedience has been practiced by peaceful protesters long before Henry Thoreau penned the essay with this name after a night in jail for refusing to pay the poll tax. In the US, when protester arrests are mentioned, Rosa Parks’ and Dr. Martin Luther King’s bus protest comes to mind together with an understanding of its roots in the Indian independence movement, led by Mahatma Gandhi. In the last decade, there has been a spike in...

Donald Trump’s Tax Returns Are Already in Public Records

There are weekly news and opinion stories coming out regarding breakthrough revelations or protests concerning Donald Trump’s failure to make public his tax returns. While we all wait for Wikileaks to succeed in their call for a leak, there are actually already a several dozen publicly available records from Trump’s holdings.