
Latest Posts in Trump

Hitler Only Wanted to Make Germany Great Again: When Will We Learn?

Hitler Only Wanted to Make Germany Great Again:  When Will We Learn? The similarities are eerie.  The differences are also significant.  There is much we can learn.

What Would Winston Churchill Say to Donald Trump?

What Would Winston Churchill Say to Donald Trump? We know, because he actually said it -- though not, of course, to Trump.  It bears repeating.

A comparison between Churchill and Trump is mortifying.  How could we have elected such an odiferous cesspool of a man? If Churchill’s actions speak louder than his words, his soaring words resonate like the sound of Big Ben. 


The Wall as a Metaphor

From the last presidential campaign, three slogans come to mind that embody the Trumpian call to fearmongering, isolationism and reductionism: “Make America Great Again” and “Lock Her Up” and “Build the Wall.”  While the latter two slogans are action-oriented, “Make America Great Again” is packed with cringe-worthy beliefs that encompass notions of free-loaders (both countries and persons of color), of resentment (of political correctness, multiculturalism, elites, government itself, globalism), and of rightness(finally, someone who will say out loud what I’ve believed all these years and act on it).

We All Live in Trump Tower Now!

We All Live in Trump Tower Now! Just look at the view!

Comments: “Democracy In Chains” by Nancy MacLean

It is interesting, but we are taught in most history classes in this country, to believe in “liberty” and “freedom.” Freedom means that people in this country are endowed with certain “rights” which protect them against such things as unlawful searches and seizures, and cruel and unusual punishment. Freedom includes such things as the right to vote for representatives and senators, the right to equal treatment under the law, the right to worship as we please, the right to a trial by a jury of our peers and the right to pursue our own happiness the way we see fit. Freedom means many things to the citizens of this country including the freedom to express oneself, the freedom to petition the government for redress of certain grievances, the freedom to travel within the country as we please and the freedom to start businesses and earn a living.