
Latest Posts in Libraries

The Freedom to Read

“If you read, you can learn to think for yourself.” Those words came from esteemed novelist Doris Lessing some years ago, when speaking of the value of public libraries and their role in creating an informed citizenry. 

Libraries We Love – The Home Library

The key to understanding people and the world around us begins with education. One way to learn about the world is by developing a love of books. Each month, we profile a library. Large, small, urban, rural, post-modern, quaint or neo-classic; do you have a library that you love? Tell us about it. This month a guest writer Steve Sears writes about the beauty, value and excitement of having your own library at home.

Libraries We Love – Requiem for a Dead Library

The key to understanding people and the world around us begins with education. One way to learn about the world is by developing a love of books. Each month, we profile a library. Large, small, urban, rural, post-modern, quaint or neo-classic; do you have a library that you love? Tell us about it. This month Patricia Vaccarino writes about the James J. Hill Center (formerly named the James J. Hill Reference Library) located in St. Paul, Minnesota.

PR for People is Many Things

At first PR for People® was an idea, sort of like democracy. We wanted to equalize the playing field by giving people a fair chance to get recognition and success. Most people don’t know that PR for People® is a trademarked brand that’s been around for 12 years. Through the years, PR for People® has become many things. In old fashioned terms, I guess you could say that we’re champions for the common man. Only by today’s standards it’s about the common person—many different kinds of people. Everyday people. I guess you could say that we tell stories about ordinary people who are doing extraordinary things. We are the only media outlet that is focused on sharing great stories about people.

The Queen Anne Library—A Little Peace of Mind

The key to understanding people and the world around us begins with education. One way to learn about the world is by developing a love of books. Each month, we profile a library. Large, small, urban, rural, post-modern, quaint or neo-classic; do you have a library that you love? Tell us about it. This month, Patricia Vaccarino writes about writes about the Queen Anne Branch of the Seattle Public Library