Articles on PR for People

What On Earth Is Philosophy?

The importance of the question of “what is philosophy?” has been relatively overlooked, in comparison to many so-called big questions, such as “Who are we?”, “Where are we from?”, “Can we know anything?”, and so on; nonetheless, the wrong answers to this question by prominent philosophers in history have derailed the development of philosophy off the right track in different directions at different historical times. Although the elements offered in this article for the answer to “what is philosophy?” are by no means inclusive, they have differentiated themselves from all other famous existing theories concerning what philosophy is really about by directing the audience to the logical nature instead of historical knowledge of philosophy, and thus is truly qualified for the title of “Philosophy of Philosophy”.

Introduction to the Social Disorder of Capability

As the indicators of the status of complicated macroscopic systems, statistically valid representative variables are of critical importance for knowing the dynamic conditions of the systems. As a few examples, in natural sciences, we have become very familiar to various physical quantities such as temperature and pressure, which can help us to predict the behavior of a natural system; in economics, we have economic indices to track economic health from different perspectives; in psychology, we have the intelligence quotient to provide a partial evaluation of the intelligent level of individuals.

Despite the convenience of using the well-known variables in academic researches and practical applications, the process of identifying the notions behind those variables could be painstaking and daunting. This article would introduce an abstract notion for the cultural dynamics, which has been greatly ignored by the world in the past.

A Fundamental Difference Between Humans and AI Machines in Terms of Learning

As robots can act in many ways more and more like humans, it becomes more and more meaningful to be philosophically clear about the fundamental difference between humans and AI machines in terms of learning. This knowledge is desired not only when it comes to the century long question of whether computers can outsmart humans, but also for the sake of knowing the potential and limit of AI development in areas such as AI translation, Human-Machine conversation, and more……

The True Nature of Science

When awed by the aura of science, most people, scientists and non-scientists, have never seriously thought about what science really is and what the limit of science would be. Even philosophers, who are supposed to offer answers to questions of this kind are generally very confused about what science really is. This confusion itself is not a trivial matter as many scholars might have thought so, because of the crucial position of science in the civilization, which is indeed the source of the erroneous exaggeration of the role of science beyond its true nature.

Inflation --- A Natural Wealth Redistributor

Inflation has become a scary term not only for ordinary people but also for many confused professional economists. However, inflation is actually not only an inevitable fundamental element in the market economy, but also a key to understand many important economic phenomena that have been occurring for decades or even centuries around the world. It implements mechanism of redistributing wealth in a market and around the world.

2nd Order Philosophy

Human civilization is now suffering the widespread political and economic crises all over the world due to the collective confusion caused by various extreme worldviews, extreme life views, and extreme religious views. With the ever stronger capacity to cultivate nature, to produce goods, to fend off the beasts and catastrophes, and to do many wonders of dreams, we humans as a whole are not living a less stressful but an ever increasingly stressful life. We are trying to do our best based on our knowledge; however, while we see the world in a straight-line fashion, the world often turns around in a paradoxical way; when ancient dreams come true, their potential negative social impacts could also become true.

Flying Saucer for Civil Intercontinental Aviation

While Flying Saucers still remain an amusing topic of urban legends today, the potential benefit of the flat and symmetric saucer shape (round or triangle, etc) for transportation means of civil aviation has been utterly ignored. In fact, the saucer shape would grant the Flying Saucers some critical advantages over other flying vehicles so that they might become the best option for the commercial intercontinental passenger transportation in the future. Accordingly, Flying Saucers would completely change the philosophy of intercontinental aviation, and thus travelling by Flying Saucer might become a new fashion for intercontinental flights in the world in the coming decades. 

The End of One of the Biggest Illusions

When a falling giant stone is quietly rushing to the ocean, the world is better off preparing for the coming tsunami......


The populace of this world has been baffled by the myth of the Flying Saucer related UFOs (unidentified flying objects) for quite a long time. The central theme of all the Flying Saucer reports is the so-called extraterrestrial aliens. However, while ETs from other parts of the universe could be very realistic, it does not necessarily entail the conclusion that those rapid glowing Flying Saucers must be all driven by the aliens. As is demonstrated in this current investigation, humans have already mastered the necessary knowledge and technologies to build a glowing Flying Saucer which could not only fly super swiftly but also change its flying direction abruptly. Accordingly, the chance that a Flying Saucer witnessed by the citizens of a nation might carry visitors from a foreign country instead of a foreign planet could also be very high.