Articles on PR for People

Ron Dai: Selection of My Short Posts on Facebook

Social media, except for blogs, normally do not encourage long writings, although they would allow the users to post links to long articles hosted somewhere else. Accordingly, writing with philosophically meaningful contents and relatively rich knowledge is a daunting task on social media. Facebook is no exception on this......

A New Science of the Physical Nature of the Mind

The advances of technologies, especially the technology of real time recording and transmission, have brought to the public many scenes in real life that undeniably violate the known scientific laws and thus cannot be reproduced in scientific ways, in which the mind of human subjects have been playing an essential role for things being considered as supernormal to happen...

Is Idealist Metaphysics the Culprit of Pseudo-science?

Most of the generation that grew up after we entered this millennium might never know the fact that, as late as the beginning of this millennium, there was an area in all big bookstores in North America which was for books of crystal ball seeing, tarot card reading, fengshui, or other New Ages contents, but tagged as Metaphysics. Correspondingly, when the mainstream academia targeted those contents as the hurdle of popularizing science and called them as pseudo-science since 19th century, metaphysics was often considered as the culprit of the pseudo-science……

The Difficulty of Reading Classic Philosophy Books

It is an unanswered question that often baffling modern people of any generation: “why the nowadays mainstream philosophers do not match someone (e.g. Plato or Aristotle or Lao Tzu, etc) of centuries or even millenniums ago?” Well, before we can answer this tough question, let’s first make sure that we are at least able to read the works of ancient thinkers……

Did Aristotle Know the Cause of Eclipse of Moon?

When I was a student, I learned in the class of world history that everyone thought the earth was flat until Columbus, et al, sailed around it. Is that really true?......

The Vulnerability Brought by Electronic Conveniences

The electronic (digital) age has brought great conveniences to human beings. With the rapid development in nanotechnology and quantum technology, there seems to be endless potential ahead for human civilization. But the public is generally unprepared for the great risks as the result of advancing from the previous mechanical era to the current electronic age……

Paradoxes of Fairness

Social fairness is paradoxical in nature, because fairness and unfairness are logically entangled with each other at both the societal level and individual level. This metaphysical nature of fairness has been utterly ignored by scholars since ancient times, although from time to time we might hear different writers mention the term of fairness paradox in the context of various specific issues that would signify the notion of social fairness.

Politics and Truth

The ignorance of the true nature of politics has been causing many to believe the political propaganda of various political organizations about their quest or fight for the truth. Many people devoted their life to the political causes of those organizations because they truly believed that they were fighting for the truth of human civilization. However, seeking truth has never been the essence of politics, and knowing this could help us to better understand the political reality in life around the world……

How to Distinguish Dialectics from Sophistry?

After millenniums long practical applications, misuses, criticisms, and eulogies, dialectics is still like an elusive ghost wandering in the academic philosophical community without being clearly grasped, as attested by the confusion shown in the well reputed Wikipedia[i], and the most baffling part of dialectics and thus the biggest obstacle to learning dialectics is its apparent similarity with sophistry, as is typically reflected in the attitudes of Aristotle and Kant towards dialectics, and in the public confusion about the Hegelian dialectics……

A Few Sad Aspects of Democracy

The deconstruction of some implicit premise for the democracy as we know today since the famous ancient Greek times could unveil some deficiency in the logic of the democracy (which are independent of how a democratic system is implemented) as we know today since the famous ancient Greek times, which might entail many social problems in the democratic system……