PR for People® is doing a pro-bono project about homelessness in America for a special edition of our magazine. Tent cities and homeless encampments are cropping up everywhere. The situation will grow far worse than it is now. This Sunday's NYT reported that over six million people will suffer from eviction or foreclosure within the next few months. PR for People is gathering photos from all over the country, from towns, cities and rural areas to show the graphic and gritty range of the new homelessness. (If you send us photos, it is important to ask the subject of any photo for permission to use their photo in the media.) We are also interested in experts who can provide solid data pertaining to homelessness, as well as non-profits and individuals who are helping the homeless. We are intent on showing the magnitude of this problem. No fluff stories or off-topic pitches. email us news@prforpeople.com