From Chicago
Do You Love What You Do? Some thoughts on my professional path
By Serena Wadhwa Psy.D., LCPC, CADC, RYT
I am a big believer that when you do what you love, it is not work. Ever since I was in high school, I loved listening to people share their thoughts and emotions, problems they were struggling with (mostly with parents, dating, and school) and knew from then I was going to be a psychotherapist. I love listening to stories and when people share their challenges with me, they are sharing their story. I also love writing and having an active imagination plays well with this particular love of mine. Because of it, I wrote poems, short stories, novellas, and now am trying my hand at fiction. I wrote several non-fiction books, two on stress (one that took 20 years to finish), one on substance use and one on grief. I have several other books I want to complete, so writing will always be a part of what I do and what I love.
And I love reflection. As an assistant professor (I will find out if I got a promotion in March/April), I get the privilege of observing students grow in the program I coordinate. I get an opportunity to guide them on their professional path. I love this. Since becoming a registered yoga teacher, I also have the opportunity to do more inner reflection and reflections when constructing a sequence or class.
Since I have been on my path, I remember seeing what others do and how much they love it and remember telling myself, “Yes, I want to do that.” And now, I have others who tell me they want to do what I do. They often ask me how I can do so much and my reply is simple: I do what I love.