Diala Sawaged, founder of Bagel Nosh

Enter the small storefront of Bagel Nosh in Livingston, New Jersey, and you are immediately greeted with a big smile from the woman behind the counter. Order your bagel and in a few of seconds it is served to you. Many order theirs to go, but there are tables in the store where you can enjoy this Jewish breakfast treat.

Book Review: The Design of Business

If the goal of an entrepreneur is to create a business that grows and becomes a successful long-term business, then The Design of Business by Roger Martin is an essential read. 

Republican probing-attacks on Kamala Harris

The Republican party faces a new, perplexing challenge in making Donald J. Trump president again. Now, they confront a surge in enthusiasm for a Democratic candidate Biden could not generate. Let’s see how the Republicans found themselves in this predicament.

Book Review: Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker emphasizes that all of us can separate the wheat from the chaff by focusing on the right priorities. Mega talent like DaVinci, Napoleon, Mozart have always managed themselves. With talent alone they would have fallen off the pages of history. We can all use a little help learning to manage ourselves.


Republicans fear Kamala Harris can win the election for the Democrats

Having received President Biden’s endorsement to run as the Democrat’s presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris said she would seek the nomination, adding: “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”

UNITE OR DIE: A Rigged Game

Democratic global governance under the “rule of law” is an essential framework for coping with our coming survival crisis, but there is one more thing – the values and outcomes in our global economy.

Checks and Balances

This country has experienced chaos since it was founded. It was born out of a belief that there was a form of government that could be organized out of the consent of the governed, different than a monarchy, where the peoples’ rights were not acknowledged or protected.


True Beauty is found everywhere, especially in the arts. Our feature story this month is about the dynamic dance studio Dance Conservatory Seattle that serves professional dancers, as well as local residents who’ve never set foot in a ballet studio before. Regarding Truth & Beauty, I have a peculiar interest in the art world that has manifested itself in my latest book, a fictional account of a woman artist who suffers from a fall in grace (details coming soon). I hope you enjoy my summer round-up of books related to the art world.  –Patricia Vaccarino