Book Review: Powers of Arrest by Jon Talton

Cincinnati homicide detective Will Borders is a wounded hero living out every day as though it might be his last. He leaves no stone unturned in his pursuit of a bald-headed villain who has a penchant for sharp knives that are used to slice women from the inside out. The author paints us a craggy picture of Will Borders—as a man in recovery from a spinal tumor that has left him partially crippled. His shuffling gait and reliance on a cane is a sharp reminder that the deadly tumor would have killed a less resilient man. Sacked from being a detective and relegated to a desk job as the P.R. spokesperson for the police force, Borders is intent on nabbing the bald-headed villain.

May is Our Do Gooder Issue

There is no such thing as a good war, but some wars are more noble than others. This month Carl Larson writes about his experience providing defense support for Ukraine. Larson is also the Co-founder and President of the nonprofit organization Ukraine Defense Support (UDS) that provides non-lethal support aid to this war-ravaged nation. This month Barbara Lloyd McMichael writes about Tanisha Brandon-Felder, Ed.D, who is an advocate for literacy and the host of a YouTube program called Talking Books with Tanisha. Patricia Vaccarino writes about her grandmother Katherine Sheedy and St. Mary’s Church (Yonkers, NY) in The Third Candle.


In June 2022, I found myself perched precariously on the second-story roof of an abandoned house in the far east of Ukraine, listening to Russian mortar rounds impact closer and closer. As I risked a broken neck or worse trying to get mobile service, I caught myself laughing at the surreal, impossible nature of where I was. I could be back in Seattle with my beautiful wife, working at my comfortable IT job, building my even more comfortable future. Instead, here I was, 10 meters up in the air in far northeastern Ukraine...


Katherine Sheedy attended noon mass every day at St. Mary’s Church in Yonkers. Going to church was more than a religious rite. It was how she expressed herself—Irish Catholic, good natured and kind, except when she was vexed by something she did not understand. And she did not understand me, her rebellious granddaughter, the third in line.

Books as Windows and Mirrors

The first impression one might get of Tanisha Brandon-Felder, Ed.D, is that she has one of the warmest smiles of just about anyone, anywhere.

UNITE OR DIE: Global Governance and a New Social Contract For Our Endangered Species

“Unite or die.” These fateful words were penned by Benjamin Franklin in 1774 when the American colonies were close to a Declaration of Independence from the British Crown.

Book Review: Reading Genesis by Marilynne Robinson

Every author chooses how to tell a story by crafting narrative that targets a specific audience. In “Reading Genesis,” author Marilynne Robinson chose to spin a tale that is far above the reach of even the most sophisticated reader. 

The Digital Era Will Prompt Revolutions -
as Did the Print Era

The breakthrough technologies of the printing press and data digitization allow the masses to access information. That flood of new information crumbled the legitimacy of the established political orders. Will great powers fall again due to the greater information flow in the new digital media era?