
Latest Posts in Entrepreneurship

Book Review: Managing Oneself by Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker emphasizes that all of us can separate the wheat from the chaff by focusing on the right priorities. Mega talent like DaVinci, Napoleon, Mozart have always managed themselves. With talent alone they would have fallen off the pages of history. We can all use a little help learning to manage ourselves.


Startup Nation

This month we focus on entrepreneurship. What does it take to start a business? What does it take to sustain a business? We also focus on that old standby: Jobs. How well are we making a living?

Are you ready to embark on the road to entrepreneurship?

An entrepreneurial mindset is key to startup success. According to a 2015 Gallup Poll, about 25% of Americans have considered starting their own business. In fact, only 13% do it.

Turn a rejected startup pitch into future success

Stepping into entrepreneurship is an exciting time. Planning, strategizing, and networking can keep you focused and moving forward. Beyond this, however, is the milestone that must be crossed in order to translate all this planning, into something tangible: the task of securing funding. Looking to investors for funding is a delicate and challenging road. It requires a combination of confidence, effective communication, and data-driven research. Despite this, even an incredibly calculated business plan and presentation is not impervious to rejection. So how do you bounce back from a rejected pitch?

How To Start A Business If You Have A Disability

Often, people with disabilities feel as though employers don’t take full advantage of their skill sets, and they become frustrated because they know they could be much more valuable to their workplace.Today’s guest post about how to start a business if you have a disability is brought to us by Patrick Young, founder of ableusa.info