Current State of the Media

Latest Posts in Current State of the Media

How NOT to Read the News

There is something perverse and horrifying about scanning the news on our phones, seeing babies dying in Gaza, juxtaposed next to gossip about celebrities wearing wigs, and an ad for Scope Mouthwash. Dishing up tragedy, trivia and trash in the same screen creates ambiguity, a false take on reality, and it is eroding our consciousness. The news has become a trigger for anxiety, depression, anger, and despair.

PR for People® Media Think Tank Oct 6

The PR for People® Media Think Tank Exploring the State-of-the-Media is on Friday, October 6, 2017, 8 to 10am. Our group includes journalists, media executives, academics and media attorneys who will hold a frank discussion about the current State-of-the-Media. Below is a list of our topics for discussion.  Below  is a list of suggested reading that is by no means mandatory reading!  More than anything, Exploring the State-of-the-Media is meant to be a timely and relevant meeting of the minds so that we can share collective intelligence that will enhance our careers. The discussion will be audio-recorded. Post-event, a white paper will be drafted and made available only to the participants.