Latest Posts in POTUS

On Leadership—This message is for you, yes you

On Leadership—This message is for you, yes you. What is a good leader? This question is too important to ignore.

Boys in the ‘Hood - Knifefight!

Anthony Scaramucci wants a knifefight! He talks tough and trashy but this dude has never been in a real knife fight.  Tough Street kids know that in a real knife fight everyone gets bloody.



The POTUS fired Sally Yates. He fired Preet Bhara. He fired James Comey. It's not hard to imagine that given the chance he would fire Robert Mueller. The POTUS claimed: he was being investigated for firing the FBI Director James Comey by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who told him to fire Comey. The POTUS erupted into a new fiery charge. “Witch Hunt!” he raged.

Being POTUS is a Real Job

Being President of the United States (POTUS) is a job. A great weight of responsibility accompanies the grandeur of this office. Historically, presidents choose their words very carefully because there are major ramifications to everything they say.  The reaction to presidential words ranges from hypersensitive to hysterical.  The words of the POTUS have enormous power and consequences—enough to seize up financial markets and rattle the hearts of trigger-happy dictators.