Life & Style

A mouth-watering Thanksgiving Feast!


Chef Mary Beth Lawton Johnson has been cooking incredible meals on the land and on the sea for over 25 years. As a professional chef who has made her career as a private personal chef in the luxury field, we are truly grateful to have her tips for making a memorable, mouth-watering Thanksgiving feast!

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Mixing Healthful Elixirs with Social Inclusion

In Tacoma, Washington, a 20-something entrepreneur has combined her faith, her culture, her business training and her commitment to healthy living to launch Aafiya Lounge. Currently, Raihab Baig is running her enterprise as an event mocktail catering service, searchable online via Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, but her aspiration is to open a bricks-and-mortar nonalcoholic venue in Tacoma sometime in the next year.

Roadside attractions and other curios

Barbara McMichael’s road trip takes her to small towns in the Midwest. Captivated by county courthouse facades and movie theatre marquees, she took pause at roadside markers and viewpoints that detailed local history, geology and other points of pride. Her journey through the heartland of America homes in on oversized animal sculptures and other fun roadside attractions.


What the Gardener In My Neighborhood Grows

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A Walk into the Woodlands

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The Prevalence of Smoking in Low Income Communities and Solutions Available Today

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