Social Justice

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I Will Resist, Will You?

The 45th President, his cronies taking positions of authority in his Cabinet/administration, the majority of Republicans in Congress are a real/active threat to me, my way of life/most of people I love. People say we should give him a chance and should “work together” with him as he won.

Why did the Parties Switch as Conservative & Liberal?

The Democratic and Republican parties have flipped their basic philosophies since being founded. Currently, we strongly associate each with being conservative or liberal. We often assume that conservatives are Republicans and Democrats are liberals. But it was the opposite for approximately the first 80 years of our nation’s founding. 

Justice Without Fear or Favor

In the 1960s, a relatively new technology was able to record and broadcast as news the behavior of citizens and law enforcement in Southern states, in particular Alabama and Mississippi. The rhetoric matched the behavior, as protesters or voting rights advocates were beaten while the police stood by. One cannot repeat the names called, but can remember still the violent speech used by segregationists as they fought against the change that was coming.

Losing My Buttons

It hangs vertically, next to the altar where I meditate. It is an old, cloth, “hippie” belt worn proudly fifty years ago, woven of yellow and green cotton fabric, with tassels at both ends, and measures about five feet long.

Laura Coates author of Just Pursuit seeks a fair legal system for Blacks

Laura Coates, author of Just Pursuits, touches the heart as few other writers can. Her stories are not filled with anger or pity but with empathy for those caught in the legal-system web, both as victims and perpetrators.