
Latest Posts in Mussolini

UNITE OR DIE: The Worst Form of Government

Welcome to Chapter Two in Dr. Peter Corning's Linked Essay Series Unite or Die. In Chapter Two, Dr. Corning examines Winston Churchill and Plato within the context of current American politics.


My article, The Wildest Fire, is an exploration of hate, hate crimes, hate groups, and the leaders who foment hate to destroy anyone that stands in their way of getting power. Bottom line, hate often leads to violence, murder and even genocide. On that cheerful note, we are only a few days away from an earthshaking political election. #VOTE

Is Donald Trump Doing Fascism? The Answer is Yes, but Poorly

His crypto fascism has done a lot of damage to our democracy, but he is also failing at it –for various reasons. If there were a fascist hall of fame, Donald Trump would certainly be qualified for membership.  Where do we begin?Trump has been notably less successful at it than his notorious predecessors and contemporaries – at least so far.  There are a number of reasons for this.

The Story of a Lesson in History

Despite controversy in 1974, La Storia became a best-seller, selling over 600,000 copies in Italy alone. Regardless of what the critics said, word on the street heralded this book for its poignant storytelling that was powerfully executed by the brilliant Italian writer Elsa Morante. Today this profound beauty of a book has endured and will continue to stand the test of time.