Howard Stein

Latest Posts in Howard Stein

Risk and Ethics

I examined the factors that should go into making responsible decisions around risky ventures in our current environment in my column last month and concluded: “The general shape of risk has not changed that much in the past 15 years, but every time is new. There is no shortcut or quick fix to making consequential decisions at the right time. The elements that go into risk management are unchanging: careful, patient, and meticulous thinking.”

On Amazon – Annie Searle’s Risk Reconsidered

The field of operational risk management is still relatively new.  Last year, I thought about creating a risk textbook and shopping it to publishers like Pearson or Wiley because I have not been able to find a single risk textbook for classroom use either at the introductory or advanced level. When I examined that route more thoroughly, I realized that it would not work for me or my readers mainly because of the time involved to publish a book and the price the publisher would set for such a volume. Then there is the more elementary issue that most of my writing has immediacy, examining current events within the broader framework of risk, governance, policy, and law.