cosmetic surgery

Latest Posts in cosmetic surgery

When Looking Good Becomes a Tragic Obsession


A beautiful 28-year-old Eurasian woman, LISA (not her real name), came to me to have eyelid surgery.  This was not at all an uncommon request. In the last ten years, there has been an increase of 58% of cosmetic surgeries performed on Asians.   Lisa was half Asian and she was requesting a preference to have more Caucasian looking eyes. I performed the eyelid surgery for Lisa. She was very happy with the results. Only it...

Dr. Gaboriau’s Insight on Beauty

The 40s are the new 30s! Some would say that the 40s are the new 20s! Regardless of the statement, the reality is that women and men have never felt as young as they do today and they have a strong desire to look as beautiful as the feel on the inside. The key is not to look like you’re in your ‘20s; it’s about embracing your age and incorporating some solutions in order to meet your specific needs...