Articles on PR for People

Humanity Will Step Up

People forget and focus on the minutiae instead of on the bigger picture. We have to look at the bigger picture—our species and the human race. People know deep down inside that they have to keep humans alive. People are always going to step up, saying we need to stay alive.

The Good Old Days? I Don’t Think So

What was it about the old days to call them good? From what I’ve read in the history books people had it pretty rough back then.  The Inquisition, scarlet fever, slavery, the Holocaust, life expectancy was a lot shorter, people could smoke cigarettes on planes, and worst of all, rotary phones.



What is your legacy? What is that thing or things that will carry on your spirit and of your beliefs after you leave this planet? What is that something you have put your heart and soul into? It could be your children or your score at the video arcade or a recipe of your own design.

         It is such a waste of anyone’s life to just exist. You are here for a reason. Show how your life was worth something.


What’s With All the Kindness?

I have seen people actually get mad because they did not get a “thank you” for holding the door for someone.

So what if you didn’t get a thank you! You held that door because you felt like doing something nice. You were not asked to hold the door; you did it from the kindness of your heart. If you voluntarily do a favor you should not be looking for any kind of gratification. Watching someone taking advantage of your favor should...

Wali Collins on A Fish Life

Ever look at a fish in an aquarium? They just swim around with not much direction. Jus content being where they are and accepting their surroundings. This is how their world was, is and always will be.

If you have not tried to go for any of your passions, dreams or desires, and believe that this is the best your life is going to be, you are one of those fish in that aquarium. Just moving around the earth aimlessly until you die....

Wali Collins on That One Thing

What is that one thing that you can do for hours? The thing you feel you were born to do.  What is that particular something that when you are doing it, it brings you peace and calmness? My question to you is why are you not doing it all the time?  Is it because you have other responsibilities or a job?

Believe it or not, you can make a career out of whatever your passion is.

Think about it. If we all did our passion...

Wali Collins on Black History Month

While Wali is mainly known for his career as an entertainer he has something important to say about Black Appropriation and Black History Month. 

Creating Your Legacy

What is your legacy? What is that thing or things that will carry on your spirit or your beliefs after you leave this planet? What is that something you have put your heart and soul into? It could be your children or your high score at the video arcade or a recipe of your own design.

Instead of focusing on differences like race, gender, religion that can divide us, try something new. How about considering who you are and...

Laughter is the Best Medicine

Here's interesting fact. One of the reasons why doctors have visiting hours is because research has shown when patients are with family and friends they heal a lot faster. Because the patients laugh and feel good all over and the body doesn't want be sick and pushes out good endorphins to heal the body faster.

Wali Collins is America’s Most loved comedian and the author of “The Y’NEVANO book of Encouragments. 


The Principles of ‘JUMP’

In order to jump, which will bring you to a higher plain, you must first lower yourself. To jump successfully, you must follow these simple steps:

 Step 1: Bend your knees. This collects energy for your jump.

 Step 2: Quickly push your body up springing off of your feet.

 Step 3: Use this analogy to better yourself in a career, sports or a change in lifestyle.

 First, you need to look to see where...