This month we explore education. We are swamped with information, but the problem is we have so little time to filter what is true from what is not true. We spend at least five hours a day on our phones—and that is a conservative estimate. Ten hours a day of screen time is not unusual. In any interaction we have with a white screen, especially with a phone, we are passive recipients of a digital experience. Are we becoming mindless blobs?
The Truth is Not on Your Phone by Patricia Vaccarino What we don’t fully embrace is that our phones are robbing us of our ability to think. And if we can’t think, we will never be able to know the truth about anything. This might be a bit of a shock, but the truth is not on our phones.
Gowns for Grads by Barbara Lloyd McMichael The costs of graduation, caps, gowns, regalia, keepsakes, and photos has become too prohibitive for some students. Gowns for Grads has stepped in to help students by removing barriers to celebrating academic success!
No one should ignore this message! Over the course of the next few months, PR for People will publish each chapter of Dr. Corning's latest work Superorganism: Toward a New Social Contract for Our Endangered Species. As the evidence of our global survival crisis continues to mount – with mega droughts, catastrophic floods, rampant wildfires, melting glaciers, devastating hurricanes and more, the expression “too-little-too-late” comes to mind.
“The Future is Not What It Used to Be” is Chapter Two in of Dr. Peter Corning’s groundbreaking work Superorganism. To purchase Superorganism in its entirety, go to Cambridge University Press or Amazon.
Book Review: The Hobbit A review of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien might seem like an unlikely addition to our education issue, but I think it’s a perfect fit. The Hobbit is a bold tale about those who pursue growth and awareness, call it continuing education, albeit self-education, and are often shunned by those who are stuck in their ways. -Patricia Vaccarino
Civil War: MAGA and the Abolitionists by Nick Licata Republican MAGA movement folks have been predicting another civil war. The federal government’s deep state is trampling upon their freedoms and those of former President Donald Trump.
Robin Lindley interviews Elizabeth Becker, author of “You Don’t Belong Here: How Three Women Rewrote the Story of War. In her book, Elizabeth Becker profiles three women journalists who covered the war in Vietnam, and the challenges they faced during a time when male correspondents dominated journalism.