Your Money Matters Mentoring by Barbara Lloyd McMichael Clinton Taylor, founder and executive director of Your Money Matters Mentoring, wants to reach teens and young adults in economically vulnerable communities. His Auburn, Washington-based nonprofit provides financial literacy classes for teens and young adults so that they can get the financial skills that will serve them for the rest of their lives.
In Ayn Rand Shrugged by Dr. Peter Corning, he writes about why it is time to reject a dangerous doctrine. While Rand idealized the rich and powerful and endowed them with virtues they often don’t have, she was hostile to all the rest of society.
The Shape of Risk by Annie Searle The sad saga of the downfall of Silicon Valley Bank. Too big to fail? How many times do the banks have to sing the same old swan song?
Robin Lindley interviews acclaimed author and law professor Kermit Roosevelt III on his provocative, myth-breaking and revelatory new book The Nation that Never Was: Reconstructing America's Story (U. Chicago Press). Kermit Roosevelt III on the Founding and Re-Founding of America
Sally Haver recalls Cambridge in the Sixties There is an iconic photo of Owen DeLong, my dear friend Jane’s ex- late-husband, that encapsulated the era – Owen, in the fullness of his young adulthood, suspended in midair, part-way between a diving board and the water, with a long-stemmed rose in his teeth and no safety net. That was all of us - beautiful, indestructible, frozen in time, wild with anticipation of the next amazing adventure.
Book Review: White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves in America by Don Jordan and Michael Walsh Patricia Vaccarino reviews White Cargo, a meticulously researched narrative, proving that slavery in America was much more than a matter of racism and was instead also rooted in greed, corruption, power and economics.