Give Body Shamers and Hates a Piece of your Mind!
The 7Sisters project is proud to be partnering with Pace University’s Women’s Leadership Institute on October 15, 2016 to host 7Sisters LIVE@Pace. If you are a Pace student, you can register here.
Ready to rock your own talk show?
7Sisters LIVE Summits are a new edgy talk-show-style conference for college-age girls, ages 18-24.
Fast paced and unscripted, like social media but in person, we’ll be covering topics no one else is talking about: From body image to bullying, fashion to food, race to relationships and everything in between.
Female student filmmakers get behind the cameras and capture the live, face-to-face conversations for online streaming, connecting girls around the world and spreading powerful ideas that lift girls up.
Check out 7Sisters LIVE Summits. We put real girls center stage and give girls the mic.