
Timeless Twaddle


Art is in the eye of the beholder and the passion thereof time and limitless. The same can be said about Brad Twaddle’s immeasurable energy and passion for Dancing and the Arts.

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Book Review: Love and Garbage by Ivan Klima

We get old and what is erased? If that is the philosophical question to be explored in this sweeping work (no pun intended), then Ivan Klima answers it. It is difficult to fall in love with “Love and Garbage.” The title alone feels like the author is intent on destroying love the same way one would toss garbage into a incinerator to watch it explode. The narrative covers the protagonist’s childhood through to his adulthood—he is a great literary writer reduced to being a street sweeper by the Czech Communist regime that censors his work. 

Book Review: A Woman’s Story by Annie Ernaux

On the surface, Ernaux’s work is unapologetically unsentimental, but on a deeper level, her finely crafted prose conjures many layers of raw emotion that have been stripped of all pretense.

Book Review: How To Know A Person by David Brooks

David Brooks explores a richly textured landscape far beyond the usual scope of his Sunday NYT oped piece. “When I was young, I wanted to be knowledgeable, but as I got older, I wanted to be wise,” he states. Brooks is not alone in his quest seeking wisdom. There is a great need to see a person for who he or she really is inasmuch as there is a deeply heartfelt desire to be loved for who we really are.  

Artists Draw Inspiration From Graphite

Graphite is also the name that Mary Olsen chose for the multi-use art hub she conceived of and built in Edmonds, Washington. And once you visit the place, you’ll recognize that the name is spot-on, because sketching in pencil – in other words, drawing with graphite – is often the first step in producing a work of art.

Book Review: Small is Beautiful

German economist E.F. Schumacher’s Small is Beautiful is more relevant today than when he wrote this gem of a book in the early 1970s. There is, without a doubt, a universal idolatry of gigantism (bigness). How big is big enough, one wonders. And ironically, once great size is achieved among nations, companies or portfolios, there is the ever pressing need to create smallness within the bigness, so the girth can be efficiently managed.