
PR for People® Book Reviews: How May I Help You?


   The American Dream has always included the idea of satisfying employment and upward mobility, but a new book by Deepak Singh sketches out a less rosy reality.

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Finding destiny in the details

PR for People® Reviews:

Finding destiny in the details

Callings – Dave Isay

Penguin Press – 272 pp - $26

   Bookstores have shelves full of motivational books that promise wealth creation, happier lives, and sculpted bodies.

   The truth is, most of these books do contain helpful kernels of wisdom, but it’s hard to ignore the feeling that many...

PR for People® Book Reviews August 2016

Mindfulness and Money

The Art of Money: A Life-Changing Guide to Financial Happiness – Bari Tessler

Parallax Press – 296 pp - $22.95

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need a good idea, the guts to develop it into a sustainable business, and the financing to make it happen. Often, it’s that third leg of the stool that presents the biggest problem. But “...

PR for People® Book Reviews July 2016

Beauty is in the hand of the mascara wand wielder

Your Beauty Mark – Dita Von Teese Dey Street Books – 400 pp - $45

Grace & Style – Grace Helbig

Touchstone – 240 pp - $19.99

You want to read up on fashion and style? Try these two very different books on for size –

“Your Beauty Mark” is a lavish book by international burlesque star Dita Von Teese.


From Denver: The not-so-elusive Poet Devan Kingsford

Although Devan Kingsford fancies himself as an elusive poet, he keeps a high profile on the streets of downtown Denver. He stakes out a spot in front of the Tattered Cover Book Store on 16th Street, where he sits at a desk, with an old typewriter, and his dog, and writes poems on demand.  In fact, the name of his business is Poetry on Demand. He doesn’t charge per poem, but gladly accepts donations. 


PR for People® Book Reviews May 2016

By Barbara Lloyd McMichael

​Digital Humanitarians – Patrick Meier

The word “do-gooders” originated back in the 1920s as a pejorative that conservatives used against progressives. Now there’s a 21st century deprecation that began in much the same way: take the term crowdsourcing (a word coined in 2006), sprinkle with a bit of Harry Potter magic dust, and presto! – it transforms into “...