University of Rhode Island

Latest Posts in University of Rhode Island

Love 22

I met Love 22 during my senior year at the University of Rhode Island. Love 22 slid unannounced into my life on a blustery day in November. He looked like he had been blown like a tumbleweed across the campus quadrangle. The sun was hidden behind a blank slate of sky. Wind sheared through the tops of plain grey trees that had shed their leaves.


Press On

 I took this pic during one of my many walks, going west on 41st Street  (on Library Way) toward the main NYC public library on 5th Avenue. The quotes on the bronze plagues embedded in the sidewalk are the words of great authors, thinkers and journalists. These words inspire me and I’m sure they inspire you too. Let us never forget who we are as a nation. Without a free press, our nation will perish. #PressOn

The "F" Word

University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 1978 - It had started to snow and that winter we had already experienced two of the worst storms in New England history. I trundled myself into a white Volkswagen beetle with three women whom I did not know. I had signed up to travel in a carpool. We debated whether we should drive to Connecticut. The beetle was old, dented, had a throaty muffler and a tail pipe...