
Latest Posts in Truth

Politics and Truth

The ignorance of the true nature of politics has been causing many to believe the political propaganda of various political organizations about their quest or fight for the truth. Many people devoted their life to the political causes of those organizations because they truly believed that they were fighting for the truth of human civilization. However, seeking truth has never been the essence of politics, and knowing this could help us to better understand the political reality in life around the world……

How to Nurture a Democracy

A democratic political system can survive only if it is embedded in a society that allows it to thrive.  Rather like the three essentials for nurturing healthy plants (good soil, adequate water and sunlight), there are at least three nurturing elements that a society must provide, in order for democracy to prosper -- beyond the foundation of a healthy economy.  These elements are (1) the rule of law, (2) elections that are perceived as fair (and where the outcomes are respected), and (3) a political discourse that honors veracity and condemns lying and liars.