Kamala Harris

Latest Posts in Kamala Harris

Republican probing-attacks on Kamala Harris

The Republican party faces a new, perplexing challenge in making Donald J. Trump president again. Now, they confront a surge in enthusiasm for a Democratic candidate Biden could not generate. Let’s see how the Republicans found themselves in this predicament.

Republicans fear Kamala Harris can win the election for the Democrats

Having received President Biden’s endorsement to run as the Democrat’s presidential candidate, Vice President Kamala Harris said she would seek the nomination, adding: “Together, we will fight. And together, we will win.”


True Beauty is found everywhere, especially in the arts. Our feature story this month is about the dynamic dance studio Dance Conservatory Seattle that serves professional dancers, as well as local residents who’ve never set foot in a ballet studio before. Regarding Truth & Beauty, I have a peculiar interest in the art world that has manifested itself in my latest book, a fictional account of a woman artist who suffers from a fall in grace (details coming soon). I hope you enjoy my summer round-up of books related to the art world.  –Patricia Vaccarino


Ho Ho Ho! We Want the Ho!

Several times a month, I travel by car through Southwest Washington. The stretch between Raymond (population 3,081) and South Bend (population 1,746) is rife with State Patrol and local police who vigilantly monitor the many speed traps. It’s slow going on Hyw 101. Trump rallies, populated by signs, not people, sprout like weeds between the wetlands and the food trucks. Some signs read: Joe & Ho Gotta Go.


Biden and Harris can enable the Democrats to win in November

Biden and Harris must place the interests of their party and nation first. Biden clings to the classic belief that only he can save the world. He declared to a meeting with Democratic governors, “No one’s pushing me out. I’m not leaving.” He followed up in an interview with George Stephanopoulos, saying only “the Lord Almighty” could drive him from the race.