Homelessness in Seattle

Latest Posts in Homelessness in Seattle


This month we take a look at true beauty from a myriad of unusual perspectives: Catholic Outreach Group Sacred Encounters Serves the Homeless in Downtown Seattle, Barbara McMichael writes about the beauty of quilting, Robin Lindley interviews documentary filmmaker John de Graaf, a man who has long been an advocate of environmental beauty, and Patricia Vaccarino reviews Willa Cather's "The Song of the Lark," which might be the most beautiful book of all time.


What Do You Go By?

Many of us have walked along the street and have had to step around a prone body. We have no way of knowing if the person is alive or dead. Some of us look away. Others cannot look away. We care and want to help, but we don’t know what to do. The volunteers who participate in the outreach group called Sacred Encounters know what to do. Sacred Encounters serves those who are experiencing homelessness. Their mission ascribes to an act of faith: everyone deserves to be loved, even the most unlovable among us.