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Some uber-wealthy white conservatives believe that the working-classes do not have money because they are moral failures and inferior. They believe the working-classes in the city and in rural areas are stupid. And finally, they worry that one day the masses will rise up against them. That might very well happen if America cannot develop a shared sense of purpose and come together as one people under a strong leader who has integrity. 

Take Back America

I wrote the book American Spin to give Americans a peek behind the curtain to understand how the news gets made. Published in the Spring, 2015, American Spin is defined as the slant or the angle of a news story. The facts that are emphasized and the facts that are omitted or minimized is what creates Spin. What I wrote about American Spin in 2015 is child’s play compared to what we are seeing post-Presidential election 2016. Today’s news cycle is dominated by Gaslighting. Gaslighting is boldfaced lying that is fabricated to brainwash the masses. It is important for us to understand that Trump and the GOP is diabolically brilliant at Gaslighting. They have hijacked America. The question is: Can we take back America? #Take Back America