Elk Rapids

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December 2023 Magazine

This December we feature Barbara McMichael’s Happy Road Trip that took her on a journey through the heartland of America, where she discovered oversized animal sculptures and other fun roadside attractions. In Barbie Gives Good Head, it is inconceivable that Barbie was nominated for Time Magazine’s 2023 Person of the Year!! On a more somber note, keep in mind that the holidays are often more difficult for those who are mentally ill. Every December I post An Ode to Hayden Brumbeloe to remind us to take care of the mentally ill around us.



Roadside attractions and other curios

Barbara McMichael’s road trip takes her to small towns in the Midwest. Captivated by county courthouse facades and movie theatre marquees, she took pause at roadside markers and viewpoints that detailed local history, geology and other points of pride. Her journey through the heartland of America homes in on oversized animal sculptures and other fun roadside attractions.