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Is Idealist Metaphysics the Culprit of Pseudo-science?


Most of the generation that grew up after we entered this millennium might never know the fact that, as late as the beginning of this millennium, there was an area in all big bookstores in North America which was for books of crystal ball seeing, tarot card reading, fengshui, or other New Ages contents, but tagged as Metaphysics. Correspondingly, when the mainstream academia targeted those contents as the hurdle of popularizing science and called them as pseudo-science since 19th century, metaphysics was often considered as the culprit of the pseudo-science……

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For the People | Para la Gente

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How to Distinguish Dialectics from Sophistry?

After millenniums long practical applications, misuses, criticisms, and eulogies, dialectics is still like an elusive ghost wandering in the academic philosophical community without being clearly grasped, as attested by the confusion shown in the well reputed Wikipedia[i], and the most baffling part of dialectics and thus the biggest obstacle to learning dialectics is its apparent similarity with sophistry, as is typically reflected in the attitudes of Aristotle and Kant towards dialectics, and in the public confusion about the Hegelian dialectics……