Hello I'm Bernadette Erasmus from Cape Town South Africa. I have a blog called Kaleidoscope, please do have a look.
I’m Bernadette from Cape Town, South Africa. I am originally from the Eastern Cape, which is another province in South Africa. I work in Hospitality and have done so for several years. I have done waitressing, worked at a Guesthouse, a Boutique Hotel and now at a Private Hotel. I love reading and writing. I can speak German and started learning Italian. Last year I had the opportunity to do a Feature Writing Course, it was challenging yet rewarding. Anyone that writes can tell you that it’s not as easy as it seems and that a lot of people have no idea what it entails. Gustav Flaubert said it best when he was asked what he had been doing in his study the whole day. “I spent the morning putting in a comma and the afternoon removing it.”
Writing to me is a process, not always logical, but you know when you got it right, that feeling is awesome. I write part time and yes before you ask would like to take it to the next level. Hint to any interested parties out there. I have blog called Kaleidoscope. If you have a moment or two to spare, please have a look. Kaleidoscope is about looking at the bits and bobs that seem insignificant. As all together they weave through a common thread to showcase life. Life and all its intricacies finds you wherever you might be. All of us share similar experiences, regardless of where we might be. It is when we acknowledge this and share these experiences that we gain a better understanding of it all.
The blog is a step towards professional writing, especially in today’s social media world. This is a way to get the name out there and learn from others. Feedback good or bad is welcomed as it would imply that people are reading what you have written. The next step would be to work on getting published and yes getting paid won’t hurt either. In the meanwhile I am thankful for the experience.