Articles on PR for People

Ayn Rand Shrugged:Time to Reject a Dangerous Doctrine

While Rand idealized the rich and powerful and endowed them with virtues they often don’t have, she was hostile to all the rest of society.  She opposed all welfare, all help for the poor, all infrastructure spending, and proposed that taxes be made voluntary.  


There is an iconic photo of Owen DeLong, my dear friend Jane’s ex- late-husband, that encapsulated the era – Owen, in the fullness of his young adulthood, suspended in midair, part-way between a diving board and the water, with a long-stemmed rose in his teeth and no safety net. That was all of us  -  beautiful, indestructible, frozen in time, wild with anticipation of the next amazing adventure.

The Shape of Risk

The sad saga of the downfall of Silicon Valley Bank. Too big to fail? How many times must the banks sing the same old swan song?

A Bloated Military Budget enables waste, corruption, and worldwide intervention

While the Republicans and Democrats do a slow tangle to lift the debt ceiling to avoid crippling our economy, they agree on taking one step together. They are lockstep in supporting the military budget. 

March 2023 Magazine

Some heroes in our lives are people who are just doing a job that we take for granted, and yet what they do is essential to whether we live, flourish, and stay healthy. May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind always be at your back. May the warm sun shine upon your face. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!


The Healing Powers of a Forest

For starters, Tina Guldhammer Frei wants you to know that she is not a therapist: “My official title is ‘certified nature and forest therapy guide.’ In forest therapy, we say the forest is the therapist and the guide opens the doors.”

Meals on Wheels

At the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020, Susan R. told me that front-line workers, which could include deliverers of Meals On Wheels, would get moved to the head of the queue for getting vaccinated against Covid. I thought this was an excellent quid pro quo because, as an older person, I was in greater danger from the effects of Covid than other sub-sets of the population, and the sooner I could get vaccinated, the better.

Lindsey Fitzharris on Visionary Surgeon Harold Gillies

Robin Lindley interviews Lindsey Fitzharris who wrote The Facemaker about pioneering surgeon Dr. Harold Gillies. Today Dr. Gillies restored the mutilated faces of wounded British soldiers during World War I. Today he is widely considered to be father of modern plastic surgery.

Digging Out

It is hard to know where to begin, after such a seemingly endless stream of weather-related disasters and, most recently, the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. Only yesterday did the earthquake recovery efforts there begin to move to the next stage of restoration.  

February 2023 Magazine

In February we pay tribute to a fine new documentary film made by John de Graaf. Stewart Udall and the Politics of Beauty is a story about a man who quietly worked with people from all walks of life and many political factions to create a better world.